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2 x in stock
Universal prism jaw for vice, type APB with workpiece stop, suitable as vise accessories for all kinds of vices.
From €98.06
approx. 1-3 workdays
3 x in stock
Spare jaws, movable jaw as vise accessories suitable for precision high-pressure clamps with mechanical force amplification MC2.
From €186.35
approx. 1-3 workdays
4 x in stock
Spare jaws, movable stepped jaw as vice accessory vise jaws suitable for the MC2 precision high-power vice with mechanical force intensifier.
From €295.24
approx. 1-3 workdays
5 x in stock
Set of seals for vice for replacement as repair kit as vice accessory or replacement is only compatible with the FHS2 hydraulic vice.
From €12.14
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Plain vise jaw set for for careful clamping of the workpieces and the most popular milling operations, only suitable for the hydraulic vise FHS2.
From €75.80
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Prism jaw for with horizontal and vertical prism for clamping cylindrical workpiece, only suitable for the hydraulic vise FHS2.
From €143.40
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Grooved jaw set as a vise accessory for safety clamping of raw material, is only suitable for the hydraulic vice FHS2.
From €143.40
approx. 1-3 workdays
6 x in stock
Swivel plate as vice accessories for the hydraulic vice FHS2 with circumferential graduation for variable use of the vice.
From €115.91
approx. 1-3 workdays
5 x in stock
Fixed spare jaw as vise accessories suitable for precision high-pressure clamps with mechanical force intensifier MC2.
From €186.35
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
V-jaw as spare jaws only suitable for high-power vice with mechanical force intensifier type MC2-125, MC2-160 and MC2-200.
From €262.51
approx. 1-3 workdays
3 x in stock
Fixed stepped jaw as spare jaws suitable for precision high-pressure vices with mechanical force intensifier type MC2.
From €295.24
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Prism jaw as spare jaws suitable for precision high-power vise with mechanical force intensifier, type MC2.
From €225.03
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Vice accessories, Swivel plate for the ZENTRA precision vice CMC-100, modular vice in high quality design for precise work.
From €332.49
approx. 1-3 workdays
4 x in stock
Plain jaw for ZENTRA vice CMC-100 as vice accessories, vice jaws smooth for Modular Precision Vice CMC / SVC.
From €68.54
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Vice accessories, Prismatic stack type jaw for ZENTRA vice CMC / SVC, Modular vice.
From €319.04
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Vice accessories, Prism jaws for ZENTRA precision vice CMC / SVC, Vice jaws, Modular vice.
From €100.79
approx. 1-3 workdays
4 x in stock
Grooved jaw for modular precision vice CMC / SVC as ZENTRA vice accessories.
From €68.54
approx. 1-3 workdays
18 x in stock
Vice accessories, soft jaws suitable for ZENTRA precision vice CMC / SVC, vice jaws, modular vice.
From €68.54
approx. 1-3 workdays
11 x in stock
Vice accessories, extra-high jaw for ZENTRA machine vice CMC-100, vice jaws, modular vice.
From €202.78
approx. 1-3 workdays
2 x in stock
Extra-high pull down jaw, suitable for modular precision vice CMC / SVC as ZENTRA vice accessories.
From €194.68
approx. 1-3 workdays
38 x in stock
Fixed vice jaw as vice accessories or spare part suitable for multiple vices modular type MFS.
From €204.32
approx. 1-3 workdays
16 x in stock
Movable vice jaw, plain, as vice accessories suitable for the multiflex vices type MFS.
From €265.61
approx. 1-3 workdays
5 x in stock
Movable vice jaw, serrated, for type MFS as vice accessories suitable for multiple vices Modular Vice CNC type MFS.
From €265.61
approx. 1-3 workdays
4 x in stock
Movable vice jaws, enlarged and plain, as vice accessories suitable for the Modular Modular Vice CNC type MFS.
From €286.08
approx. 1-3 workdays